Electric Vehicle (EV)

EV Thermal
Interface Materials

Gap Filler

Ensuring durability relies on effectively managing heat flow, which is achieved by minimizing temperature discrepancies within the module and pack, as facilitated by Gap Filler

Thermal Adhesive

Thermal adhesives offer a lightweight and efficient way to create strong bonds while also effectively dispersing heat along the bonded surfaces.

EV Battery Solution

Gap Filler

Ensuring durability relies on effectively managing heat flow, which is achieved by minimizing temperature discrepancies within the module and pack, as facilitated by Gap Filler

Thermal Adhesive

Thermal adhesives offer a lightweight and efficient way to create strong bonds while also effectively dispersing heat along the bonded surfaces.

Conformal Coating
line segment

Polymeric coatings are essential because the intricate nature of electronic vehicle battery packs encompasses numerous electronic and electric components that demand safeguarding.

Brush Coating
Brush Coating
Dip Coating
Dip Coating
Dip Coating
Dip Coating
Spray Coating
Spray Coating

EV Power Station

Thermal interface materials (TIM)

TIM consist of densely packed substances designed to efficiently disperse heat, contributing to the effective thermal management of power electronics.

Casting and potting materials

Casting and potting materials serve the purpose of shielding power electronics against the rigors of challenging environmental conditions.

Conformal Coating
line segment

Modern technology employs conformal coatings to safeguard printed circuit boards (PCBs) by applying a thin protective film.

Conformal Coating
Conformal Coating
Dip Coating
Dip Coating
Dip Coating
Dip Coating
Spray Coating
Spray Coating

EV Motor Potting

Casting and potting materials

The utilization of casting and potting materials extends the operational lifespan of motors, as these substances shield the stator from a range of electrical, mechanical, thermal, and environmental pressures.